Code Snippets

  • Display Notifications with Power Fx Logic
    Power FX
    This Power Fx snippet demonstrates how to display success, error, and warning notifications dynamically based on user actions or conditions.
This Power Fx snippet showcases how to display dynamic notifications in a Power Apps application. It includes success, error, and warning notifications using the `Notify` function. Additionally, it demonstrates conditional logic to display messages based on user input validation.

// Display success notification Notify("Operation completed successfully!", NotificationType.Success); // Display error notification Notify("An error occurred while processing your request.", NotificationType.Error); // Display warning notification Notify("Warning: Please check your inputs.", NotificationType.Warning); // Notification displayed for 3 seconds Notify("Your changes have been saved!", NotificationType.Success, 3000); // Custom notification based on condition If( IsBlank(TextInput1.Text), Notify("Please fill out the required field.", NotificationType.Warning), Notify("Form submitted successfully!", NotificationType.Success) ); // Display a welcome notification with the user's full name, using the "Information" notification type. Notify("Welcome back, " & User().FullName & "!", NotificationType.Information);
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