
Category : search=dataverse

31 January 2024

How to create a PPF developer account ?

You want to start build you first Power Apps for free ? YES it's possible ! If you want to develop applications on the Microsoft Power Platform, you will need a power platform developer account. This account will allow you to access the tools and s

12 January 2024

What is the Power Platform ?

Microsoft has invested a lot in its Cloud solutions lately, and this can be seen in the investments they are doing on Azure, which is, at the time I write this article, the most used Cloud in professional fields. The Power Platform is a suite of M

18 January 2024

Is Dynamics 365 CRM part of the PPF ?

Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement and Power Platform: An Integrated Ecosystem Microsoft’s Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (CE) and Power Platform are two powerful tools that have transformed the way businesses operate. But, is Dynamics 365 CE part

27 April 2024

Broadcast Notifications for Model Driven Apps

Broadcast Notifications for Model Driven Apps For those of us who have been using Dynamics 365 for several years, the arrival of notifications has been a significant advancement for the platform. Indeed, in the 2021 release wave 1, Microsoft deploye

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