
27 April 2024

Broadcast Notifications for Model Driven Apps

Broadcast Notifications for Model Driven Apps For those of us who have been using Dynamics 365 for several years, the arrival of notifications has been a significant advancement for the platform. Indeed, in the 2021 release wave 1, Microsoft deploye

18 April 2024

Copilot Studio : Plugin Actions

In the world of software development, efficiency and accuracy are key. Developers are constantly seeking tools that can help them write better code, faster. One such tool that has been making waves in the industry is the **Copilot Studio Plugin**. Th

9 April 2024

Power Automate ChildFlows

It may happen that we need to execute the same action in several different Flows. In order to avoid repeating the action, and also for maintenance reasons, it is preferable to create “Child Flows”. A false trick could be to use the http connecto

29 March 2024

Microsoft : The Copilot Strategy

If there's one thing that can be said about AI, it's that it has significantly changed our ways of working. Particularly generative AI for searching, processing information, and many other things… A large part of the people who have tried it find i

11 March 2024

How to Manipulate Environment Variables in C#

In an application like a CRM, it is quite common to have configuration variables for different reasons. Whether it is URLs that point to other application or secret APIs or key ... The uses are diverse. Fortunately Microsoft knows how to respond wi

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